Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Bear Attack

Info on Bear Attack (large flesh wounds):

Opuntia Humifusa aka (prickly pear cactus)

This sharp plant is found scattered throughout Missouri.

There is no active chemical but instead we are just using the sharp needles on the plant to sew up wounds.

To prepare the needle just cut the needle off the plant and sanitize it.

It can be used to sew up wounds. This plant is also edible.

Yucca Glauca aka (Soapweed Yucca)

This plant is found throughout Missouri.

The way this plant is used is by making thread to sew up an wound.

You must separate the threads individually to make a long enough thread. By tying them together.

Soapweed yucca plant growing in the foothills of the Sandia Mountains on the Cibola National Forest.

Hmamelis Virginiana aka (witch hazel)

This plant is found throughout Missouri including both the tall grass prairies and the eastern deciduous forest.

This plant brings use to a chemical flowing throughout it called tannins. The main ingredient that helps heal and protect skin for burns, frostbite,and incect stings and bites is Flavon. The Chemical that is used to treat cuts is Gallic acid. Which helps to close up wounds. 

This plant can also help get rid of bacteria that could cause in many wounds including tick bites.

The proper way to apply this plant for cuts is to crush the leaves into a paste and apply directly to the effected area.

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